Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Larvel file:move function not working. Thanks in advance - development

Larvel file:move function not working. Thanks in advance

This is my file move function, Currently i am working in db migration, but i get this error

My oldpath and newpath are correct

   public function filemove(){
                    $new_path =  base_path('assetsnew');
                    $old_path =  base_path('assetsoldrsi_candidates (1).sql');
                    $move     =  File::move($old_path,$new_path);
                    $delete   =  File::delete($old_path);

This is my error

(1).sql,E:sivahtdocsclientsdevrsi9vxassetsnew): Access is
denied. (code: 5)

from Laravel Questions and Answers https://laravelquestions.com/php/larvel-filemove-function-not-working-thanks-in-advance/
via Lzo Media

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