Saturday, May 12, 2018

MethodNotAllowedHttpException on form submit - development

MethodNotAllowedHttpException on form submit

I have some problem with my form::open with laravel 5.5
i am getting error

Symfony Component HttpKernel Exception
MethodNotAllowedHttpException No message

This is my addressescontroller

public function store(Request $request)


    return redirect()->route('checkout.payment');

this is my route


this is my shiping-info.blade.php


<div class="row">
    <div class="small-6 small-centered columns">
        <h3>Shipping Info</h3>

        {!! Form::open(array('action' => 'checkout.payment', 'method' => 'POST')) !!}


    {!! Form::close() !!}

when i submit the button code.. the error like above ..
whats wrong ?

from Laravel Questions and Answers
via Lzo Media

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