Thursday, May 10, 2018

Delete query that has the very last date in laravel - development

Delete query that has the very last date in laravel

I have a scenario where the record is like this:


  • 2018-01-15

  • 2018-01-16

Now what I need to do is just delete the very last date. I need to delete the query that has 2018-01-15.

My code is like this:

public function deletelatDate()
    // $datedel = '2018-04-03';
    $datedel = Attendance::sortBy('date', 'desc')->first();

    // $query->sortBy('date', 'desc')->first();
    DB::table('attendances')->where('date', $datedel )->delete();

    return back()->with('success','Last attendance entries successfully deleted'); 

Do you have any suggestions on how am I able to fix this?

from Laravel Questions and Answers
via Lzo Media

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