Monday, March 5, 2018

Foreach collection on every passed week - development

Foreach collection on every passed week

I have a database with users, and one with entries called “gubbe”. I want to have a datatable with all weeks that were included in the search with values in it set to true or false depending on the input in the database called “gubbe”. Like so:

What i want

I need some help here. So far, I’ve only been able to do it if it is just one person, adding my code on how i got it working for the 1 user here below.


Basically I have one collection with users. The users have a hasMany relation to gubbe which is connected through ID. I also have a collection with weeks, filtered on the same dates as the users collection.

I basically want to foreach weeks, and then have it shown as the image. I just cant figure out how or where to do the merges / joins.

How i have it set for one user:

 public function teamShow($id) {
    if (Auth::user()->id == $id or Auth::user()->permission >= 4) {
        $gubbar = Gubbe::whereUserId($id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
        $first = Gubbe::whereUserId($id)->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->first();
        if (count($first) == 0) {
            $first = Gubbe::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->first();

        $week_date = new DateTime($first->created_at);
        $week = $week_date->format('W');
        $year = $week_date->format('Y');

        $p = new DatePeriod(
            new DateTime($week_date->setISODate($year,$week)->format('Y-m-d')), 
            new DateInterval('P1W'), 
            new DateTime()
        $user = user::find($id);

        $weeks = collect([]);

        foreach ($p as $w) {
            $test = gubbe::whereWeek($w->format('Y') . '-W' . $w->format('W'))->whereUserId($id)->get();
            if (count($test) == 0) {
                $weeks->push($w->format('Y') . '-W' . $w->format('W'));

        $merged = $weeks->merge($user->gubbe);
            dd($merged, $user->gubbe);

        //$weeks1 = week::whereBetween('weeknr', [$first->week, $year . '-W' . $week])->whereHas('gubbe', function($q) use ($id){$q->whereUserId($id);})->get();
        $vars['merged'] = $merged;
        $vars['gubbar'] = $gubbar;
        $vars['user'] = $user;
        $vars['weekExists'] = '';
        $vars['url'] = 'user';
        return view('other.gubbe_statistik', $vars);

    } else {
            $user = User::whereId($id)->first();
            Message::error('Du har inget tillstånd att se personsidan för ' . $user->name);
            return redirect('/user/' . Auth::user()->id);

This is how it shows:
enter image description here

Any ideas on how to make it work for several like I show it?

from Laravel Questions and Answers
via Lzo Media

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