Since the ES6 Promise does not have a deferred object confused on how to go about converting this to work with ES6 Promises. One solution that I was looking at is to add a deffered object manually to the Promise Constructor. see the No deffered section for the example code
Reason: I am converting the angularjs app to angular4 and using it to better understand how to work with ES6 Promises. I was going to add the deferred object, but thought that was too much of a workaround.
function generateImages() {
// set up promises
var fullDeferred = $q.defer();
var thumbDeferred = $q.defer();
var resolveFullBlob = blob => fullDeferred.resolve(blob);
var resolveThumbBlob = blob => thumbDeferred.resolve(blob);
var displayPicture = (url) => {
var image = new Image();
image.src = url;
// Generate thumb
var maxThumbDimension = THUMB_IMAGE_SPECS.maxDimension;
var thumbCanvas = _getScaledCanvas(image, maxThumbDimension);
thumbCanvas.toBlob(resolveThumbBlob, 'image/jpeg', THUMB_IMAGE_SPECS.quality);
// Generate full
var maxFullDimension = FULL_IMAGE_SPECS.maxDimension;
var fullCanvas = _getScaledCanvas(image, maxFullDimension);
fullCanvas.toBlob(resolveFullBlob, 'image/jpeg', FULL_IMAGE_SPECS.quality);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
return $q.all([fullDeferred.promise, thumbDeferred.promise]).then(results => {
return {
full: results[0],
thumb: results[1]
Source: AngularJS
from Angular Questions
via @lzomedia #developer #freelance #web
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